Episode 13: Anxiety-Proof Her Interview with Kristy Runzer

Kristy Runzer is the financial planner for entrepreneurs.

Before starting her company, OnRoute Financial, Kristy built a financial planning practice at a traditional financial services firm. Burnt out and fed up, and a few weeks into a Netflix binge, Kristy decided to create a different type of financial planning company.

Today, Kristy helps six figure entrepreneurs make intentional financial decisions by working together 1:1 to strategically plan their finances to align with their life and business goals.

She helps entrepreneurs plan holistically for their business and their personal finances, all with an open heart, endless support, empathy, and acceptance for her clients.

She is on a mission to help women live out their desires and use money as a tool to help bring their visions to life.

Kristy enjoys working less and having more fun.

Connect with Kristy at OnRoute Financial Dot Com or OnRoute Financial on Instagram.

Thank you so much for tuning in!

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Episode 14: Anxiety-Proof Her Interview with Maranda Bower


Episode 12: Anxiety-Proof Her Interview with Heather Nieves