Weekly Affirmation & Wisdom Questions


Repeat after me.

"I have many reasons to live.

 I love life! When I wake up in the morning, I am thankful to be alive and healthy. Every day, I have dozens of reasons to get out of my bed and live my life to the fullest.

 My family needs me to be my best for them. Even when they have trouble communicating their love to me or when we fail to agree, my family loves me and needs me. I matter to my family.

 My friends enjoy my company. I have a personality and a sense of humor that is irreplaceable. My friends love being around me and look forward to spending time with me. I am loved and accepted by my friends.

 How I make a contribution in the world is important to many people. I am the only one in the world who can do what I can do. I am indispensable! 

I look forward to living a long, happy, and healthy life. My future is bright! I am at peace with what life holds for me and I anticipate what is to come with joy.

 I visualize myself making joyful memories, experiencing many amazing things, and accomplishing unbelievable dreams. I see myself demolishing the barriers that surround me today. 

Today, I count my blessings and give thanks for my life. Living one day at a time, I remind myself that the storms of life pass by, giving way to serene peace.


Self-Reflection Questions:


1.     How can I reconnect with my love ones?

2.     When was the last time I was victorious over a difficult situation?

3.     What am I most looking forward to in the future?


About Jennifer Bronsnick, MSW, LCSW

Jennifer Bronsnick is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Anxiety Treatment Specialist.  She supports women and teen girls who struggle with anxiety, self-doubt & perfectionism tap into their innate resilience, get to the root of their fears and implement custom healing strategies so that they can experience peace of mind, more self-confidence and be liberated from the suffering that living with anxiety causes.

Looking for support? Book a FREE Discovery Session HERE


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