Is stress killing you (and your daughter)?

We all have stress these days.  Especially your teen!  She is under a lot of pressures like…

  • Waking up early

  • Going to school and being in classes that aren’t inspiring or really of any interest

  • Virtual school or having to wear a mask all the time

  • Friend drama

  • Homework

  • Chores

  • Extracurricular activities

  • Family arguments

  • Pressure to get good grades

  • Pressure to be well rounded

  • Pressure to look good

  • Desire to be liked

That is quite a bit more than we had to deal with when we were teen girls.  It can be overwhelming for her.  Unless she knows how to cope with stress and has things in her life that bring her joy she might be suffering greatly.  But how do you know when stress is just too much.

How do you know when you have to intervene and when to let your daughter learn from it? 

When I was a teen I chose alcohol to help cope with the pressure to fit in and my social anxiety.  As I matured having a drink no longer worked to reduce my stress it actually made me MORE anxious!  Thank God!  Had I not had an anxiety disorder I would not have sought out the tools to end my suffering.  I wouldn’t have found mindfulness, or health coaching or Human Design.  That would have been awful!!

If you or your teen is struggling with something BUT you are looking for a solution; take a moment to be grateful for the struggle.  Be grateful that your soul to trying to lead you to your (or your daughters) deeper purpose.  We are not meant to suffer BUT we are designed to endure struggle.  It’s within our struggles that the opportunity for growth resides.

You know the best way to help your daughter to handle the pressures of daily life?  Yep it starts with you.  By you being aware of your own stress level and having the best tools to manage the ups and downs of life.

If you see that she under a lot of stress here are some things to experiment with:

  • Pick 1 day a week where talk of school/work is off limits

  • Begin a meditation/mindfulness practice

  • Help her get organized

  • Talk a look at how you handle stress and make sure YOU are not stressing too much

  • Make time for fun

  • Give her some TLC

What your daughter really needs is a mom (I know you’re under a lot of pressure too) who knows how to handle her own stress in a mindful way so that she has a model of how to handle life’s pressures. 

Don’t get me wrong.  Having some stress in life is actually a good thing as long as you have the proper tools to handle it. 

Good Stress Management = A Happy, Confident, and Relaxed Teen (and mom)

If you or your daughter is struggling with any of these symptoms of stress there is nothing wrong with getting support.  I offer a complimentary phone session so you can start getting support for your teen, CLICK HERE to schedule. Look forward to hearing from you!


About Jennifer Bronsnick, MSW, LCSW

Jennifer Bronsnick is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Anxiety Treatment Specialist.  She supports women and teen girls who struggle with anxiety, self-doubt & perfectionism tap into their innate resilience, get to the root of their fears and implement custom healing strategies so that they can experience peace of mind, more self-confidence and be liberated from the suffering that living with anxiety causes. Jennifer uses a variety of treatment modalities including Human Design, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis + Health Coaching, Energy Psychology tools, Heartmath and more! She believe that everyone's experience of anxiety is unique and the solution should be customized to the client’s needs and desires.


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